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Thanks to a unique coaching protocol, I have already helped 30,000 people (in France) to become better at all levels.
My secret ? Accurately measure your progress in body, mind and spirit.
To measure the evolution of your physical body, I use Dr. Broda Barnes’ test which consists of taking your morning temperature to determine the proper functioning of your metabolism (thyroid).
To measure the evolution of your soul (energy body), I use Dr. Buteyko’s test which consists of measuring your apnea time after an EXPIRATION. The longer your apnea, the better your physical body is oxygenated, and the more vibrant your soul.
More details on these two tests by clicking below:
👉 I test my level of health (body + soul)
DISCLAIMER: As a holistic therapist, I am simply directing you to proven alternative health methods. But I do not perform medical diagnoses or advise on medical treatments. It is therefore essential to consult your doctor in terms of health.
👉 Intermittent Breathing (videos)
The ultimate guide to breathe well 24 hours a day to reduce stress and anxiety.
👉 Stress App (emails)
The method to reduce your stress by optimizing your lifestyle.
👉 Intermittent hypoxia (ebooks)
The therapy to rejuvenate and be more efficient.
Read my most popular post: Danger of Wim Hof Method